Critical Swim Speed Calculator

Critical Swim Speed Calculator (CSS)

CSS Pace Calculator
Enter your time:
Time for 400m

Time for 200m

CSS Pace:
Actual speed:

Critical Swim Speed Calculator is a simple tool that allows the swimmer or coach to calculate the athletes Critical Swim Speed (CSS) or Threshold Pace easily.

*Note you will need either PB’s or to Time Trial for both 400 and 200m or yard swims.

More Information:

The Critical Swim Speed (CSS) is a swimming term used to describe the pace you can maintain over a long distance without getting exhausted. The CSS is commonly used to help swimmers determine their training zones, set training goals and develop training plans. The CSS calculator is a tool used to calculate your CSS pace.

The CSS test involves swimming two timed swims of 400 meters (or yards) and 200 meters (or yards), with a short rest in between. The times of both swims are used to calculate your CSS pace. The CSS pace is the speed you can maintain for a long period of time without getting exhausted.

The CSS calculator uses the times from your 400m and 200m swims to calculate your CSS pace. The calculator takes into account the time it takes you to swim each distance and calculates your swimming speed in meters per second (or yards per second). It then uses this information to determine your CSS pace.

Once you know your CSS pace, you can use it to set training goals and develop training plans. For example, you might use your CSS pace to set a goal to swim a certain distance at that pace or to develop a training plan that includes intervals at your CSS pace.

Overall, the CSS calculator is a useful tool for swimmers who want to improve their endurance and performance in the pool. By knowing your CSS pace, you can tailor your training to meet your individual needs and goals.

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