The most accurate racing swim calculators

My Swim Splits Mobile App was created to offer Coaches, swimmers and parents the most accurate swimming calculators possible. Offering Swim Pace, Goal Time, Race Review, Critical Swim Speed, Speed, Medley Relay calculator and Swim Time Converter access.

MySwimSplits Swim Split Calculator Swim Pace Calculator Yards Split Calculator Swim Time Calculator Medley Relay Calculator
Swim Calculators

Premium App gives you the ability to calculate and use all Calculators

If your a Racing and want to target a specific goal time, than this is for you. Enter in the time your targeting and the calculator will tell you how the best in the world would target each split. The Premium My Swim Splits Mobile App gives you access to the Goal Time Calculator, Race Review Calculator for Meters and Yards while being all Ad-Free.

Swim Pace Calculator

Allow coaches and swimmers to quickly work out the swimming Pace, Time and Distance depending on what is required. Options are available for meters and yards, MIN/100YDS and MIN/100m.

Medley Relay Calculator

Allows coaches to quickly compose the fastest relay team available to them. Enter up to 6 swimmers, enter their personal bests for each event and hit calculate. The Medley Relay Calculator will then provide you with the fastest relay combination available to you.

Over 2,000 data points Captured

My Swim Splits was created to offer Coaches, swimmers and parents the most accurate swimming calculators possible. Our swim Calculators are up to date, we have analysed over 2,000 data points to create a formula that allows swimmers and coaches ease and accuracy for calculating race performances.

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